Keira and her best friend Gwen tackle even more foreboding ghosts in their mission to maintain the integrity of The Veil. Some souls are confused, some are angry, and some are trapped in this realm. It’s a daunting responsibility, and has become her life’s work. If the spirits of the dead do not move on, the very fabric of the universe is threatened.
But now a greater threat has returned. A demented enemy wants to not only stop Keira’s work, he wants to destroy The Veil. When it crumbles, he will ascend to unfathomable power. Unable to accomplish this alone, he’ll stop at nothing to conscript her in his quest.
Her new life, and the lives of those she loves are at stake. She has to face her enemy and bring an end to his insane plan. She dares not risk her loved ones again. Her own powers have flourished; she can do this. She has no choice but go it alone. In her decision, she finds herself forsaken.